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Friday, June 20, 2008


Flooding is global warming at work


The floodwaters are rising, swamping cities, breaching levees. Tens of thousands are displaced. Many are dead. No, I am not talking about Hurricane Katrina, but about the Midwest United States. As the floodwaters head south along the Mississippi, devastating communities one after another, the media are overflowing with televised images of the destruction.

While the TV meteorologists document "extreme weather" with their increasingly sophisticated toolbox, from Doppler radar to 3-D animated maps, the two words rarely uttered are its cause: global warming.
Blah, blah, blah, .... Global Warming™ blah, blah, blah, ...

What a fucking idiot. Sad thing is, she - like so many other fools - really believes this tripe. The only good thing about this piece of shit article is the comments.

Here are a few:
"What a moroon."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
"Do you know what else emits tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? Printing newspapers on perfectly good trees. Maybe Congress should tax the PI until they switch to the environmentally friendly all-digital format. Of course, they’d have to fire 90 percent of their workforce, but, think of all the ice that will save at the North Pole!"
Then what would I wipe my ass with?
"With global warming we get floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, meteors falling out of the sky, World Cup soccer games, too much government, lying politicians, idiot voters who choose to believe them, Israelis and Palistinians killing each other, jobs being outsourced for cheap labor, war, famine, pestilence, and death!

Without global warming we get floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, meteors falling out of the sky, World Cup soccer games, too much government, lying politicians, idiot voters who choose to believe them, Israelis and Palistinians killing each other, jobs being outsourced for cheap labor, war, famine, pestilence, and death!"
"It took the Catholic Church hundreds of years to develop corrupt practices such as papal indulgences. The global warming religion has barely been around for 20 years, and yet its devotees are allowed to pollute by the simple expedient of paying for papal indulgences called "carbon offsets."

The moment anyone diverges from official church doctrine on global warming, he/she is threatened with destruction. Heretics would be burnt at the stake if the Greenhouse Zealots could figure out how to do it in a "carbon neutral" way."
Again I say, Bwah!
"What is the government doing about it? We can't just sit around and let these crazy deniers run our government. Look at how they are handling the gas crisis (which is linked to warming.)"
Uh, yeah.
"this article is a perfect example of how Enviro-nuts are even more dangerous than Islamo-facists."
No shit. Enviro-nuts are the ones responsible for the gas crisis.
"Its the republicans fault. We all know that they blow up levees and hate the poor. The purposely pollute the water so everyone is sick.

No floods, warming, cooling, natural disasters ever happened until the evil founding fathers of this selfish country created the Declaration of Independence.

The reduction in solar activity is being done by NASA on President Bush's orders, along with the climate change on Jupiter and Mars.

Let's elect Obama, he will put everything back in order. No cars, no electricity, no answers to how to solve the energy crisis in the next 20-30 years."
Now that dude should be running for president.
"Is there a reason why anybody would believe anything said by an avowed Marxist liar like Amy Goodman?"
Can't think of one.


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