Okay, that's it. No more constant political shit on this blog.
Yes, I may post something political now and then that the world needs to know about, but from here on out, everything is going to a new/old home:
Obama's An Idiot
This used to be my "Hillary Is An Idiot" blog. And don't get me wrong, Hitlary still is an idiot. But since she's been reigned in as a contender - at least for now, she isn't as dangerous as the president is. So I'll concentrate on him instead.
I'll post boring old personal stuff here. No, I won't let fags, wetbacks, idiots or other irritants get by without having my say, but I will limit comments about the Idiot-in-chief.
You're welcome.
I don not, in any way, believe you.
It is true. I will post the political shit over yonder. This blog will remain independent.
Ok. I tried that once, having a separate blog for political shit, but it didn't work too well.
I'm going to give it a shot.
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