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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pooty Poot Putin

Putin says missile test response to U.S. moves
"Our American partners have left the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty. We have warned them then that we will come out with a response to maintain the strategic balance in the world," Putin told a news conference.
Uh, I must have missed something here. I didn't realize we had left the treaty.

Last i knew, Billy-Ray-Joe-Bob was living in a decommissioned missile silo out in the middle of bum-fuck Oklahoma. What happened? Did we kick him out so we could stack a nuke in his living room?



Deb said...

I grew up in Oklahoma, yet I am unfamiliar with a town named bum-fuck. Can you point that out on a map for me?

curmudgeon said...

I can't say exactly where it is, but I have a friend who lives in Oklahoma too, and he says it's just a few miles from his house.

Deb said...

He must know my ex husband. If there is such a place in Oklahoma, it would HAVE to be centered over his head.

curmudgeon said...