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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Remember When?

Close your eyes...And go back...way before the Internet...before Playstation and X-box...before gangstas and crack...... WAY WAY back...

Do you remember..

1. Hide and go seek at dusk
2. Red light, Green light
3. Playing kickball & dodgeball til the street lights came on
4. Mother May I
5. Red Rover
6. Climbing trees
7. Hula Hoops
8. Running through the sprinkler
9. Drive-In's
10. Saturday morn. cartoons: Fat Albert, Road Runner, Bugs Bunny, Flintstones

I'm talking about...

11. Wonder Woman & Super Man Underoos
12. Playing 'Cowboys and Indians' after watching a western
13. Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar
14. Your first day of school
15. Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses
16. Getting REAL excited when you woke up and realized it was Christmas
17. Hearing the ice cream truck coming
18. A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers
19. Giving your friends a ride on your handlebars
20. Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.

And don't forget.....

21. Pillow fights
22. Runnin' till you were out of breath
23. Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt
24. Jumpin' down the steps
25. Jumpin' on the bed
26. Getting tired from playin' so hard
27. Class Field Trips.
28. Rainy days at school meant "Heads up 7UP" in the classroom
29. Momma being home when you got in from school.
30. Competing to make Kool-Aid better than everyone else

I remember when...

33. Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo"
34. Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!"
35. "Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest
36. Only money issue was whose turn to be the banker in "monopoly"
37. Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening
38. It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends
39. Being old, referred to anyone over 20
40. The worst thing catching from the opposite sex was cooties
41. Nobody was prettier than your Momma
42. Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better
43. Being tall enough to ride the "big people" rides
44. Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true
45. Spinning around, getting dizzy & falling down was a lot of fun
46. The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team
47. Water balloons were the ultimate summertime weapon
48. Snow balls were the ultimate wintertime weapon
49. Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but best protectors
50. Being disciplined by the next door neighbors was normal

Some of these I had forgotten. Interesting to see them again though.

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