A Funny
Via email:
Sven was walking home late at night and sees a woman in the shadows. "Twenty dollars . ." she whispers.
He'd never been with a hooker before, but he decides, it's only twenty bucks.
So they hide in the bushes. They're going "at it" for a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It's a police officer.
"What's going on here, people?" asks the officer.
"I'm making love to my vife! ," Sven answers indignantly.
"Oh, I'm sorry," says the cop, "I didn't know."
"Vell," Sven says, "neider did I, 'til you shined dat dang light in her face!!
Word, that's a good one....
And the truth? Even if it weren't a good one, those damn people clapping at the bottom always make me laugh my ass off.
It's so fcking cheesy, it's great!
Naughty...Very naughty.
Who is the most naughty one, I don't know.
They both learned something new about their partner and they say, that is the key to a long marriage...Always try to learn something new about your partner.
:* :D= And what word came up as a verification word??? PUCCYS!!!
One way or the other, as long as you get a giggle. :)
Reminds me of the "Pina Colada Song"...
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