One for instance, said that landlords had to notify renters if the property went into foreclosure. That's cool, I'm down with that. It seems only fair that you would get more than a day or two notice if you're going to get booted out of your house.
Another dealt with identity theft. Businesses are now required to show less information on your receipt. For instance, they are no longer allowed to print your credit card number. There is no reason to do that in the first place, and it never should have been done, so too bad it had to be made law.
Yet another was totally stupid. It was something along the lines of this. If a restaurant, grocer, ... whatever business, donates food to your organization and someone gets food poisoning, you can't sue them. WTF?
And last but no means least, our fucking taxes went up. Yet again. Sales tax is now at 8.1%, up from 7.75%.
And don't tell me how I have it better than blah blah blah state, that it isn't as bad as theirs. I know ours is lower than some states. But that is their voting responsibility, not mine. I didn't vote for theses taxes or even the people who raised them. My permission wasn't asked.
And it wasn't just sales tax that went up. Business licenses doubled, payroll taxes almost doubled, vehicle registration fees went up, and the state minimum wage went up which of course, businesses have to absorb. That will probably cause even more layoffs. Fuckers.
Tell me again you White House residing motherfucker how only " The Rich™ " are the ones who will see tax increases! This shit trickles down to everyone. And once taxes go up, they don't go back down.
Fuck You, You Fucking Demo-Socialist Fucks And Your Fucking Fucked Up Taxes.
What a mess..the economy starts failing, tax revenue goes down so they soak the people who are hurting the most instead of cutting worthless fat and waste from the budget.
Makes tons of sense, no?
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