If you don't remember her, let me refresh your memory. She used to be in the old teevee show "Three's Company" with Suzanne Sommers and John Ritter. I used to watch that stupid thing back in the day. Corny as hell, but then, most sit-coms are.
Anyway, seems she got busted for a D.U.I recently. Here's a mugshot:

My, my. Life's been 'good' to you, eh Joyce?
Dawn wells looked much better when she got busted last year.
Much can be said for professional make-up and lighting. Much.
(as evidenced by my own profile pic ;-) )
Maybe a little...
I reckon the cops spend their budget on glamor shot equipment in the drunk tank.
Although, I'm sure plenty of people have asked.
My Gawd! The Horror! The Horror!
Quite a change, eh Hermit?
But it's a mugshot fer Christ's sake. Mugshots are like school yearbook pictures in that they never turn out good. Plus she's drink.
She is? Really?
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