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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

About Fucking Time

High oil prices rekindle oil production in Mo.
AP - Wed May 14, 1:39 AM ET Avg. Rating: 4.7

DEERFIELD, Mo. - Pumpjacks, the oil rigs that resemble those thirsty bird toys, are going up in Missouri for the first time in two decades, the latest region to revive a long-faded industry as crude nears $130 a barrel.
Now if the rest of our oil rich states would just follow suit.



GUYK said...

they will provided the Feds dont decide to put a windfall profit tax on production of the "old oil" as the greedy bastards did back in 1979

curmudgeon said...

The way they're talking now, they're going add more tax on oil now, so it would still be the same difference.