Where dissent and differing opinions are ALWAYS welcome. Please! Disagree with me! Even if you're wrong.
"Life's too short to do shit you don't like to do." - Me.
"Blogs are like assholes. Everybody's got one." - Me again.
See, now, this is why I'm a vegetarian.
It could have just as easy been a carrot stick. BWAH!
Ooh, lah-lah! Stop posting self portraits damned it!
I would totally date that guy.
Spontaneous, funny, and decorated!
This is the trouble, I understand this now, I'm fixing it ASAP.
Do I spy the little green monster?
Spontaneous? - maybe. Funny? - sick. Decorated? - gross.
You are so effing lucky that I don't like turkey legs...
I'm jes sayin
Oh, come on now. You'd yank one of them offa there in a heartbeat.
He maybe look whatever, but he's only a chicken between his legs...Ha ha
Interesting. This is your streaking photo, I assume?
It's so disgusting. And yet...I can't stop staring.
Bwah! Y'all crack me up!
No, those are hidden behind the turkey leg.
that says it all
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