So here it is almost Thanksgiving. You wouldn't know it, stores put out all their Christmas decorations even earlier than usual this year.
Pathetic. I went to the hardware store the weekend before Halloween to see if I could grab a couple stray witches or goblins to put out in the yard and all the hell they had was Christmas decorations.
Sad really. This holiday - or this day of recognition if you prefer - is, in my opinion, every bit as fun or traditional or 'togetherness' related as any holiday can be. What other time of year do you actually plan out and make it a point to join up with family and friends near and/or far that you usually don't meet up with? Unless of course, it's a funeral or a wedding.
Now I'm part of one of the luckier families where at least some of us get together several times a year. But for many people, this is the only time they get together - for better or worse.
On top of that, it's a celebration of where this country began, and what we have.
We don't know for sure what actually happened that first Thanksgiving, as we weren't there. Tradition has it that the new arrivals sat down and ate a big ole' meal with the indians. They cooked up a turkey, some corn, cranberries (I know, this is all loosely translated. Sue me), maybe a yam or two, some stuffing, mashed potatoes with giblet gravy, and big ole' punkin pie. Then they all said 'Grace' and passed platters full of bounty around the tables.
More realistically though, it's the end of the growing season. Fall is in the air and now it's time to hunker down and dig in for winter. Time to appreciate that all the hard work you have done during the past year has put food on the plate, in the pantry and down in the cellar. Time to give thanks for what you have, and what you are a part of. And that (hopefully) you have others to join you at the dinner table to share it all with.
Nowdays though, it seems retailers are so concerned with 'Black Friday' that they've moved it up a month. Rather than appreciate and celebrate anything you have accomplished in the last year, they get dollar signs in their eyes.
As soon as the Halloween candy has been passed out to all the little brats, it's time to grab the parents' money before they have a chance to even think about getting ready for the holidays. Get that "FANTASTIC DOOR BUSTER 3 O'CLOCK IN THE BLESSED MORNING 99% OFF TODAY ONLY BLUE LIGHT WITH A COUPON LIMITED TO THE FIRST 3 PEOPLE IN LINE" deals going. Got to get those impulse dollars in through the front door before they have any sort of a chance to slip away on something so silly as a trip to gramma's house.
Well, I got some news. I ain't getting distracted. I ain't going to let Thanksgiving slip past. The horn-o-plenty will remain the centerpiece for a few more days.
The gourds will sit on the mantle for a few more days.
The boxes of Christmas decorations aren't coming off the shelf until after T-day, and the lights can sit there quietly untested for a few more days.
The turkey is in the refrigerator thawing, along with the ham. The stockings are in a box.
We'll lounge around and enjoy each others company, some football and perhaps even some of the parade, the aroma of the bird roasting in the oven. After all that, we'll settle in for the evening and relax. It is over a month until Christmas. There is plenty of time to get the tree decorated, lights put up, and gifts bought, without having to miss out on one single bit of the pleasure and value of this holiday.
You all do the same. Have a happy Thanksgiving.