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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Florida War Zone

Updated, repositioned.. this is probably more what they were thinking:

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Let's all panic and get the vapors because now "nervous and frightened" Florida residents can, well, they can actually LEGALLY DEFEND THEIR LIVES AND PROPERTY FROM INTRUDERS!!!

Fucking Brady campaign. They all need to be shot.


I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I don't need anyone authorizing me to use deadly force... if I'm scared I'll do whatever it takes and deal with the consequences. Jake won't let me have a gun though. All I have is a Lousiville Slugger. Oh, and I bite!

Anonymous said...

From the NRA site:

The "Castle Doctrine" simply says that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle or your place of business, you may presume he is there to do bodily harm and you may use any force against him.

It also removes the “duty to retreat” if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be.

Furthermore, this law provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.

I can't get over the "duty to retreat" part.

curmudgeon said...

But Rachael,
Like Maricopa Mark once said "You don't take a baseball bat to a gun fight".
And with all the weirdies that end up at your house, maybe he should reconsider!

The sad part is there ARE people who believe all that crap.
But also, anyone who doesn't believe background checks are retained, well, SUCKERS!!!

Maricopa Mark ,
Duty to retreat. Yup. Just the opposite.

Anonymous said...



curmudgeon said...

I like it.

Anonymous said...

The cycle of GIMP vice Photoshoppe continues..
