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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Vertigo Anyone?

Astronaut's small step opens Grand Canyon Skywalk
By Tim Gaynor Tue Mar 20, 9:37 PM ET

GRAND CANYON WEST, Arizona (Reuters) - Indian elders and a former astronaut took the ceremonial first steps on Tuesday on a glass-bottomed walkway perched 4,000 feet over the Grand Canyon that promises dizzying views for those who dare.
That would be so fucking cool. Scary, but cool.



Miss Understanding said...

I wonder if it is also easy to clean...you know for those with a touchie stomach.

curmudgeon said...

True. You would think there would be a bio-hazard risk down below...

Miss Understanding said...

Now there is something the environmentalist can worry about. the erosion factor from bile and stomach acid.