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Friday, May 13, 2005

No, It's Not Dan Rather

DETROIT (Reuters) - A Michigan court apparently has ended the television career of a talking penis.

A three-judge panel of the Michigan Court of Appeals declared that the talking penis, nicknamed Dick Smart, telling "purportedly humorous" jokes on a Grand Rapids, Michigan, public access cable television channel constituted indecent exposure.

Ah, the one-liners.
I would have loved to see that.

Allah be praised.


Peggasus said...

Those might be as good as the ones we made last year when the Western Open was sponsored by Viagra.

You know, like 'rounds lasting more than four hours' and 'long and hard drives.' We had a million of them!

curmudgeon said...

Sounds like some good joke fodder.

Brad said...


This happens in my own freakin' hometown, and I didn't even know about it. And I thought public access never had anything funny enough to be worth watching.